Territorial Hissings : Augmented Reality Audio Walk and Sound Workshop - Queens Museum -S.T.E.P.


Territorial Hissings: A sound workshop where queer, gender non-conforming and female-identified people were invited in a safe environment to discuss experiences of verbal and physical harassment that took place in the streets or a public locations. Together we created a geo-gendered narrative, recording and mixing dialogues through storytelling, the cityscape and foley. As a group we mapped the terrain around the Queens Museum directing the listener to varied locations augmenting the personal narratives of each participant with that of the day to day. Some participants attended the workshop though many were unable and emailed their narratives recorded primarily via phone mics that were later mixed with the binaural and ambient sonicscapes around the museum. By listening to the narratives while taking the walk a transformative space of physical and psychological discovery unfolds. Please use headphones.
***Trigger warning: Many stories that are shared may cause deeply emotional responses.